Thursday, October 19, 2006

Virginia Tech Chokies

Well, as we posted earlier we had people over for the Boston College game and made caramel apples. What can we say, the Hokies played a game that seems to come up at least once a year. Our offensive line is horrid, and our defense is unusually out of position. Our play really reminded me of the 2003 season in which team infighting and poor pass rush on defense doomed a possible championship season. Except in 2003, our offense could really score some points... this team hasn't cracked 40 points this year, and I doubt they will (except maybe against UVA!). As Tailgate Fever pointed out, thank you Miami for taking the Thug title away from us!


  1. I also enjoyed Tailgate Fever's commentary on Miami!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. At least we don't wear ties to games(See UVA and UNC now on ESPN!)
    Also how many references to the YOUNG UVa team will be made tonight. Already one and they haven't kicked off!
