Thursday, October 5, 2006

Our lil football player!

AJ keeps getting cuter and cuter by the day! He's definately a football fan, and we expect him to play when he grows up. We leave ESPN on for him while we are gone, so he is learning the rules of the game. We are awaiting a VT collar for him...he's sooooo cute! He loves the football...we are looking for a football dog toy for him, so we can really play! He even tackles!


  1. Lets have a little pee wee football game over thanksgiving - colin vs. AJ :) Although I think AJ could tackle better.... no illegal use of the mouth or canine teeth.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. AJ is cute! I will have Jen pick up a collar for you. Can't wait to meet AJ during the holidays. Love reading your Blogger.
    Miss you !!!!

  4. Can AJ Block? Can AJ tackle? Can AJ stay out of trouble? Maybe we could put a maroon and orange uniform on him because my team sure could use some players that fit the above questions.
