Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Departmental Picnics

Hurray Free Food! :-) Two weeks ago...I know I know...we've been slackers in updating the blog, but we are working on it...we had our departmental picnics. The History department held theirs at Cameron Park, a neat little park that goes along both sides of the river. It's really pretty, except the river is basically dry right now, so it was kind of ugly at the time. Our friend Ann lives right on the river, and her view that used to be gorgeous must now be quite 'special' to look at. Rivers are supposed to be pretty! But...the park is very nice, although everyone tells you not to go at night...and I trust them on that one. Apparently, it's not safe...and I can see how the park could become creepy. The picnic was nice though, a little get together with undergrads, grads, and professors. There is nothing quite like grilled hotdogs...mmm...mmm...mmmm. And then cookies to top it off! It was nice meeting James' professors, so I could put a name to the faces, and they seemed nice. The one professor made a joke about the political science department, and then he realized I was in it, and he was like, aww...I shouldn't have said that. But...I thought it was a super funny joke...and true at that! :-) Ha! And then he tried to make up for it by talking about the good people in the department, especially one guy, whose name I will not mention. It's sooooo funny...because that is the one professor I was really upset with all week, because he called me out in class for having the worst paper. Blah! But...it was amusing nonetheless! :-) And then we met this awesome undergrad who transferred from Auburn his junior year! We were like…why are you here, and he was like to us…why are you here? It was amusing, and I wish we’d gotten his information so we could hang out! The polisci picnic was at the house of the Nichols, two very sweet professors whom I actually came here to study under. I never see them because I don't have any classes with them, and my assistantship is outside of the department. They have a very nice house, but the picnic was kind of weird, because the department went off in their clicks like they always do. Thankfully Robin and her husband were there, and they are soooo cool! I don't know why we didn't hang out with them more before! :-)

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