Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Chicken Bowl!!

One way to pass the time in Waco was to count down our trip to see the Hokies play in a bowl game!! The week after Christmas we met Tall James, Screech, and SAM in Blacksburg to go to our first Bowl game outside of the band. We spent the evening at a local favorite, Boudreaux’s, enjoyed mojitos, and headed off to bed early in preparation for the next days drive. There is nothing like a road trip with great friends we hadn't seen since the wedding!! After a short 6 hour drive we arrived at the Marriot Renaissance Hotel near Georgia Tech in Atlanta. Tall James found the hotel, and we had an awesome view of downtown from our 16th floor room. We watched the sunset over the ATL before heading out to catch up with friends. We soon found out that Georgia’s band was staying in our hotel as well, making for interesting waits for the elevator, as well as interesting elevator rides. It was soooo encouraging to see Hokie fans EVERYWHERE and few, if any, UGA fans. The Hokies had taken over the ATL. For dinner we headed downtown to find our former band mates, who were staying at the Sheraton. Walking in the city we ran into Dan Richardson on his honeymoon, a friend from Tech! After checking out a few bars we found the band in a foul mood due to sitting in traffic after a gig, hungry. We reminisced about the good times and how excited we were to not be wearing uniforms!! It was a great to see everyone again though! Since Bic grew up in the ATL, he took us to a local diner near Georgia State, far from the crowded chain restaurants. We had a great meal and enjoyed the sights for a bit. Angela and I were exhausted so we headed back to the hotel for some rest while Screech and Tall James found a nice martini and cigar bar while SAM chilled with his girlfriend who is in the band. The next day was going to be a long day for the band given the partying they were doing!

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