Saturday, January 20, 2007


Grandmother Lois passed away in early December, and given the fact that Lincoln was merely a long days drive from Waco, we drove up.
Angela had not had the opportunity to meet my Mother’s family as they could not make the wedding, and I was excited to show her Lincoln, which I think is an awesome city due to childhood vacations. We left around 5am and headed north. Our only traffic was in Fort Worth and we made good time. AJ was introduced to snow in Oklahoma at a small truck stop. Kansas was stereotypically flat, and Nebraska met us with tidy farms and a spectacular sunset. At York we hopped onto I-80 and grabbed runza’s, a Nebraska fast food oddity. Meat is cooked with cabbage and wrapped in dough… sounds weird but is fantastic. Using mapquest we found the hotel we were sharing with my Parents and Sarah who had flown in earlier. They were at my Uncle’s place for dinner after the wake. We used the internet to find our way there and had a good reunion with my parents whom we had not seen since July. The rest of the family received Angela well and we shared some memories of my late grandparents. The next day we gathered for a cold funeral for Grandma Collings. It had been 16 degrees the night before… and for acclimated Texans we were COLD. After a nice ceremony we went sight seeing with my parents. We visited my mother’s alma mater, Nebraska Wesleyan where my Grandmother had been a librarian and professor of children’s literature. We then headed to see the library my Grandfather had run at the University of Nebraska. My dad found a park near our hotel to take AJ on a walk, where he met his first frozen pond, poor dog.
Lincoln’s skyline is dominated by the state capitol building and the gigantic University of Nebraska football stadium. They love their Huskers! After a nice visit we got up real early and headed south across the plains to pack up and leave Waco for good!!


  1. How about a return trip in '08 to be a part of the Hokie nation invasion of Lincoln?

  2. It sounds like we had better get that big Cad SUV. gmg

  3. An ESCALADE??????? I would be super excited!

  4. We would definitly represent the 757 if we roll up in an escalade!

  5. I would totally buy a grill!
