The day after Thanksgiving Grandpa and Uncle Frank were going fishing down at Ingleside Navy base. They convinced me to come so we went and picked up a one day saltwater fishing license.

We got up early and left by 6am for Ingleside first stopping for some freshly caught shrimp as bait. We walked to the end of the only pier at the tiny base overlooking Corpus Christi.

As soon as we started fishing sand trout started biting. In just a few hours we had a cooler full of 120 trout and headed home. Grandpa decided I would be in the way if I

helped gut and clean the fish, so I was assigned to cleaning the poles. Angela and I had some friends over before we moved and grilled up the trout into good po’boys. We had a nice stay in Rockport before heading back to Waco to pack it all up and move home.
I'm not quite sure how this post ended up as January 11th, but I just wanted to comment that 140 is A LOT OF STINKIN FISH!!! I love fishing, and hope to have time one day to get back into it.