Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Our CRAZY move!

Moving every six months is crazy, but doable…even with just two people! James and I had a crazy time packing the apartment during finals, and then we had to pack the ABF Relo-Cube too. Relo-Cubes are very similar to PODS, except PODS don’t deliver to Waco, so we used a different company. We ordered two cubes, with the hopes of fitting everything into one, which we were able to do, after getting rid of a few things. Filling a cube is like putting a puzzle together, as every inch of space is important. It took us an entire day and a half longer than we expected, but we did it! We wanted to see my grandparents again before we left, so we headed down to Corpus Christi, my favorite part of Texas, to spend a night before heading east. Our cars were jammed packed, as we found an extra closet of stuff after the cube had left! We then drove the 1400+ miles in two cars back to Blacksburg. The only problem we really had was finding a place to stay in Mississippi, as the place we were going to stop was still recovering from the hurricane, so we had to drive an extra hour through a wildlife reserve to find a hotel. Overall, the drive was great though! It would have been better if we’d been in the same car, but I had AJ to talk to the whole time. When we arrived in Blacksburg, we had some problems in locating our cube, because the guy on the phone thought they had already delivered it to someone. I was a little bit concerned, but they ended up finding it! They delivered it so late that we couldn’t unpack it, and it rained the entire next day. It was rough unloading in the cold rain, and then reloading into our storage unit in the rain. I think we are going to be fairly nomadic over the next few years, so we will see what the next six months brings, and where we end up!


  1. I'm still amazed you fit everything in that little tiny cube... whenever we move want to help us pack our truck?

  2. I'm looking at the plans for the New River Valley Center right now! Soon students will never have to go to Roanoke to do any shopping.
