Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My two Navy Boys!

James and David are too cute in uniform!! Someone at OCS finally realized that OC Gouger's wife is sending stuff to OC Walsh, and they were really confused. I think it's funny! :-)

Visiting OC Gouger!

I never thought I could be so thankful for four hours until this past Sunday, when I was able to spend almost an entire four hours with James!! I went to church with him for an hour, and then we got to spend an awesome three hours in the fellowship hall, drinking coffee and eating cookies. It was great! I got to meet some of his new friends, and listen to all of their crazy stories. Good news… James passed inspection!! :-) That means he is moving on to the next stage, which is great, and he should still be graduating on Dec. 21st. James was exhausted, because he had stayed up with a friend the last two nights trying to help him pass inspection. He still didn't pass, but he didn't seem to be doing two poorly. James two friends fell asleep on each others shoulders in church...it was sooo sad. They are soooo exhausted, the poor guys! I can’t wait to see James again soon! I got to see David Walsh, too, which was awesome, and I am actually going to be able to go to his graduation too! They are both doing great, and have high spirits! And James is too cute in his uniform. It’s weird seeing him in uniform, but he can’t wait until he gets real khakis, as these aren’t the real ones. These ones are essentially made to get PT’d in, and he won’t get his real ones until the 8th or 9th week, I think. James really enjoys getting mail from everyone, and wants everyone to keep on writing! :-) I can’t wait to see him again!!!!! :-)

Hokie Fan For Life...even after BC!

It really shouldn’t surprise me after five years of watching Hokie football…I mean… we do this all the time. Our inconsistencies (other than always being inconsistent, always having a weak offense, and always loosing big games) are overwhelming, and the fans can only do so much. I have to remind myself that these are just young kids, some of them right out of high school, all of them are younger than me and James. That being said, I’m still super disappointed.
At the collegiate level, these young athletes should know that game, and know how to play it. They shouldn’t be confused all of the time (OFFENSE) and they should know when to expect an on-side kick, which we never do. How could you not expect that? I’m a girl…and I expected that!?! Sitting in the rain for three hours soaking wet was almost worth it…until the last two minutes of the game. Enter Sandman was blaring, the stadium was roaring, the rain had finally stopped, and then complete silence. Only two minutes left in the game and we lose it? How does that happen? Sarah and I were in disbelief, and we might have been agreeing with all of the curse words coming out of the mouths of everyone around us. As a fan, we put so much into the game, so much heart and soul, and energy and time. The most exciting part of the game was getting a picture taken with a Boston college guy with a crazy hat. The guy taking the picture cut off most of the hat, but you still get the picture of what the immensity of it looked like. And the hot cocoa…the hot cocoa was definitely a positive. For a few minutes on Thursday night, I saw us going to an awesome bowl game, being a top five team, and looking back on the season thinking, LSU was just a fluke. But minutes later, those dreams were gone, and I was laughing in disbelief as Boston College scored another touchdown. When is it our year?? We’ll just keep on hoping…I believe.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pumpkin Lovin!

My favorite thing about October is pumpkins! I’ve always loved pumpkins, and for as long as I can remember, they have been a part of my Octobers. As a little girl, I was a pumpkin for Halloween, we always went to an awesome pumpkin patch, we carved intense pumpkins every year, we roasted pumpkin seeds, and we lit our pumpkins up. I love them!! I don’t know what it is about them, but I love the shapes, the colors, and the flavors. Speaking of flavors…pumpkin ice-cream is out in stores! :-) In honor of the pumpkins, I went to my second favorite pumpkin patch ever with some awesome co-workers. My favorite one is in California, but this Southwest Virginian treasure is right up there at the top. It has been particularly dry year, and many of the pumpkins were covered with dust, leaving us disgusting by the time we got home. Tabatha and David’s adorable kids came with us, whom I adore, and we had a great time. We had fun watching Conner run around and jump on the tractors while Kayleigh called him crazy. A bluegrass band played in the background as we enjoyed hot cider and an awesome fall day in the mountains. Courtney, Justin, and I were meticulous about picking the perfect pumpkins from the rolling hills. Of course Courtney and I fell in love with the adorable tiny ones, and Justin was looking for a ‘real’ pumpkin. I picked out three tiny pumpkins and a cute gourd, which I am really excited about. I love pumpkins!

Friday, October 19, 2007


So...I can see how AJ might have scared the maintenance man. He was scared even when I was here with him!! But AJ is usually so sweet!

Southwest Virginia

The view from our balcony never gets old! You can't beat a sunset in southwest Virginia.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Birthday James!!!

James will be celebrating his birthday (or getting yelled at and PTing) on October 23rd. It would be great if you could all send him birthday wishes, as I’m sure this will be his worst birthday ever. :-( But please don’t send anything except for cards and maybe a picture or two, or dusting things and lint rollers, because then he will get in trouble! Make him smile on his birthday…send him a card!! His address is as follows:
OC James Gouger
Officer Candidate School
Class 03-08
Officer Training Command Newport
291 Kollmeyer St.
Newport, RI

How is James?

He is doing really well! My mom had the chance to visit with him at church last Sunday, and she said that he was doing great. His spirits are high, and he isn’t that upset about being rolled back, but sees it merely as another opportunity to do well. My mom was able to meet some of his friends, and see David Walsh as well, and every one was super excited to meet her. They like being around real people! :-) He is going into his second third week, so he is spending all of his time getting ready for the next inspection. Let’s pray that he passes this time! :-) He had to do the mud pit the other day, and the DI made him blow bubbles in the mud. That is disgusting!! He said it is starting to get cold up there, and I’m sure the winter is going to be rough. There is a girl in his class from Virginia Tech, and someone sent her a garlic knot from Gumby’s (a local Blacksburg favorite). First of all, they aren’t allowed to get food, and secondly, that is gross. The DI made her eat the entire thing in front of him….GROSS! I’ll keep you updated!

neVer forgeT

Six months ago today, our world was changed. I know that many of you are tired of hearing about April 16th, but it is something that affects my life every day, and it is something that James and I will always bring up. Our lives will never be the same, and although each day is a little easier, each day is also a little harder. It’s been six months. It is so hard to believe that six months ago started like any other Monday. I got to work about 3 minutes late, heard about the first shootings, and immediately locked the door. Minutes later, we were in over our heads, and I have never been more scared in my life. Every time I hear a siren, everything comes back to me, and every time I call AJ’s name, I think of Stack. I guess it is something we will learn to live with, but it still seems so unbelievable. (Tonight's the night my world begins again...) To honor the victims, Virginia Tech has begun an initiative called VTEngage, where every person on campus, and friends and family members of Virginia Tech have been challenged to pledge 10 hours of community service. http://www.engage.vt.edu/ Check it out and pledge your 10 hours today! As part of my community service hours, I will be assistant teaching an ESL class through the YMCA. For those of you who do not know, I am currently working towards a Masters in Teaching English As A Second Language through Regent University. I love it so far, and it keeps me busy with James being away. I will also be traveling to New Orleans for the third time over thanksgiving break to honor the memory of Stack, whom James and I went to New Orleans with the first Thanksgiving after Katrina. It will be an emotionally difficult week, as the United Methodist Relief Center whom we work through will be dedicating a house to him, as well as Leslie. Unlike our other trips though, we will be rebuilding, with a focus on hope and the future, rather than tearing down and cleaning up. http://www.ymcasp.org.vt.edu/ASB/Fall%20Trips.htm I still can’t believe that it has been six months. We Remember….and We will Never Forget!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New Friends for AJ

No News is Good News

I haven't heard from James the last two days, so I am assuming he has classed up with 03-08. You can now write him at the following address:
OC James Gouger
Officer Candidate School
Class 03-08
Officer Training Command Newport
291 Kollmeyer St.
Newport, RI

Thanks!! He loves the mail!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beautiful Fall

I absolutely love Blacksburg in the fall. The leaves are changing, making rolling hills of orange and maroon. After all, if God isn’t a Hokie, why do the leaves change orange and maroon in the fall? I just love it, and despite it not being a very good year for fall foliage, we are still getting some colors. The air is turning crisp, and you can feel the serenity of our quiet little mountain town. There is no place quite as special as Blacksburg.

Beware of the Poodle

AJ is adorable, but he can be a little much if you’ve never met him. I had to put a work order in, because our stove top stopped working. Well…apparently AJ was a little much for the maintenance guy, because I got a phone call at work from our apartment complex. The lady was like, “We’re going to have to set up an appointment, because your puppy made the maintenance guy nervous.” Awww….that’s so sad!! Eddie left me a note for when I got home from work saying he would come back whenever I set up an apt. Too funny!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Temporary Address

At least for the next week, use this address: (Only the class is changing...I'll let you know when to use 03-08)

OC James Gouger
Officer Candidate School
H Class
Officer Training Command Newport
291 Kollmeyer St.
Newport, RI

Three more weeks...

Unfortunately, James has been rolled back. He failed his four week inspection and the re-inspection, so as of Monday, he will be in the class of 03-08. This means that he will be in Newport for another 3 weeks and that I won’t be able to see him for at least 5 weeks. I am thinking about going up there just to see him at church, because I’m not sure if I can handle not seeing him for 9 weeks straight!! The good news is that I have been able to talk to him for over two hours these past two days, which was much needed! He is disappointed, but the rest will do him good. He’s only been getting about 2 hours of sleep a night, and last night he was able to sleep for 8 hours! He sounded so much better this morning. David Walsh failed the first inspection, but passed the re-inspection, so they are now in different classes. David is really mad James didn’t pass, because he felt like James did a better job than some of the other people who did pass. They said the inspection is very subjective, and basically they had to weed out 10 people from the class, and it didn’t really matter who they were. They just needed to get the class down to 40 people. So, James is currently in “holding” until he starts with the next class. He basically got through the hardest four weeks of OCS, and now he has to start it all over again. He has been able to eat more this weekend, though, except before he was only allowed to eat with his left hand, and while you are in holding, you are only allowed to eat with your right hand. So, that has been an adjustment for him. He said he also doesn’t have to ask to use the bathroom or shower now, which is nice. And…we were only 2 weeks away from seeing each other…and now we are 5 or 6 weeks. Sadness. So…he definitely needs people to write him right now!! His NEW ADDRESS is as follows:

OC James Gouger
Officer Candidate School
Class 03-08
Officer Training Command Newport
291 Kollmeyer St.
Newport, RI

Although I haven’t verified this yet, his anticipated graduation date will be Dec. 21st. Happy Birthday to me! :-)

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Our Texas Bluebonnets are doing great! I just hope they bloom before we start getting freezes...which I believe will be fairly soon!

Single Gouger

Apparently, the Navy doesn’t think that James is married, despite them having three copies of our marriage certificate. This explains a lot about why I never received paperwork for an ID or anything, despite them saying it was coming. So, I emailed them, and they said that they were aware of our situation, but that they were working on. James called last night and we only got to talk for 10 seconds, as he verified my social security. It made me sad. :’( This is week four for them, and they have a huge inspection at the end of the week, which determines whether they continue or get rolled back. James was really worried about it, as his roommate has already failed two inspections, and this is going to be his third. He said that the roommate was a great resource though, as he’s already been through two! They have been doing all sorts of things to get ready for inspection, including measuring creases in folded uniforms and hair spraying them in the perfect spot. How crazy! Last week, someone left a Powerbar wrapper on the ground, so everyone had their Powerbars taken away, so they are hungry. I was so sad for them, because they aren’t getting enough food to do all of the physical things they are doing, and James doesn’t have much reserves on his body to lose! I still don’t know when the dining out is, but I have a dress! Hopefully James will be able to call before Sunday to verify, because I need to buy a plane ticket, and it is probably only going to be a few weeks out. I can’t wait to see him! :-) Keep writing him! He loves getting mail!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Cool Bug

William & Mary Tailgate Awesomeness

My dad is finally back from Iraq, so my parents came to visit me in the Burg for a football game. James’ parents were kind enough to give me their tickets so that we could enjoy a weekend at a game. We spent the morning tailgating with very dear friends whom I hadn’t seen in forever. Tailgating is a fairly new experience for us, as we were all in band for four years. So, unless we were traveling to an away game, we didn't get to tailgate. We have now discovered how AWESOME gameday is without morning practice!! We've also realized how hard it is seeing people after you graduate! Laura, Stacey, and Megan had quite a grill going by the time we got there, so we had some awesome hotdogs and hamburgers. Blacksburg pretty much sells out of hotdogs on football weekends, so we had some slim pickings at the store, but we were at least able to get some! The William & Mary game was…well…it was William & Mary. Why were we playing a division AA school again? But, the game was fun nonetheless. It is always a great experience to be in Lane Stadium, no matter what game it is. I sat with one of my co-workers, and we had a great time! We were sitting only a few rows in front of my parents, but we didn’t find them until the very end of the game. We were both looking for each other in the wrong directions! My mom, dad, and Lizzie stayed the whole weekend and slept on the air mattress while I slept on the bed. (I’m still not sure how I pulled that off!) Lizzie and AJ are really cute together, but she didn’t feel like dealing with him this weekend, so she became territorial and claimed the kitchen as her own. It was too cute.