Thursday, October 4, 2007

Single Gouger

Apparently, the Navy doesn’t think that James is married, despite them having three copies of our marriage certificate. This explains a lot about why I never received paperwork for an ID or anything, despite them saying it was coming. So, I emailed them, and they said that they were aware of our situation, but that they were working on. James called last night and we only got to talk for 10 seconds, as he verified my social security. It made me sad. :’( This is week four for them, and they have a huge inspection at the end of the week, which determines whether they continue or get rolled back. James was really worried about it, as his roommate has already failed two inspections, and this is going to be his third. He said that the roommate was a great resource though, as he’s already been through two! They have been doing all sorts of things to get ready for inspection, including measuring creases in folded uniforms and hair spraying them in the perfect spot. How crazy! Last week, someone left a Powerbar wrapper on the ground, so everyone had their Powerbars taken away, so they are hungry. I was so sad for them, because they aren’t getting enough food to do all of the physical things they are doing, and James doesn’t have much reserves on his body to lose! I still don’t know when the dining out is, but I have a dress! Hopefully James will be able to call before Sunday to verify, because I need to buy a plane ticket, and it is probably only going to be a few weeks out. I can’t wait to see him! :-) Keep writing him! He loves getting mail!

1 comment:

  1. Their inspection was to be early this morning (Thursday), according to Billy when I talked with him last Sunday. He was also very nervous and said they just don't have enough time to get everything done. He told me about the Powerbar incident, and said they are all hungry most of the time. Let's hope they do well on the inspection and can get their snacks back! Our hearts are with all of them as they make their way toward becoming Naval officers!
    Kathy in Florida
