Thursday, October 4, 2007


Our Texas Bluebonnets are doing great! I just hope they bloom before we start getting freezes...which I believe will be fairly soon!


  1. News about OCS...
    Billy called us Friday early evening and said that he and James had passed the inspection! There are several candidates that have to repeat the process tomorrow (Saturday) morning. They still have not been given their Power Bars, but perhaps the DI is waiting for the entire class to pass. The dining out will be on Friday October 19th, and they MAY get liberty that Saturday and Sunday. Our guys are hanging in there!
    Kathy in Florida

  2. Thank you soooo much for letting me know!! I haven't been able to talk to James, and that is such relieving information! :-) I'm excited for them!! Hopefully they will get their Power Bars soon!

    Always, Angela

  3. It must have been the other James from VA Tech (there are two of them)...because James was rolled. Sadness...But...God has a plan for all things, so we are staying encouraged! :-)

    Always, Angela

  4. Angela, I am so sorry to hear that James got rolled back. He must be disappointed, but stay positive - he will do fine. He sounds like a very bright guy and will get through. All things do happen for a reason. A favorite saying of mine is "After every storm comes a rainbow". Let us know what class he is now in (03-08?) and I'll send him a card. I know how important mail is to them!
    Kathy in Florida
