Wednesday, October 10, 2007

No News is Good News

I haven't heard from James the last two days, so I am assuming he has classed up with 03-08. You can now write him at the following address:
OC James Gouger
Officer Candidate School
Class 03-08
Officer Training Command Newport
291 Kollmeyer St.
Newport, RI

Thanks!! He loves the mail!


  1. I sent him 2 letters either tues or wed with the H class on it. Will they get to him?

  2. Yeah! He said it doesn't really matter, because everything goes to H Class and is sorted there. So...he should get letters addressed with all three addresses. :-) YAY!

  3. James is doing fine and he looks great! I went to see him at church on Sunday at Newport. We were in Connecticut for Parents Weekend at the Coast Guard Academy and Newport is only an hour away. (Rod and Tony were sailing his boat from Buzzard's Bay to Newport so they didn't get to visit.) James and I were able to visit for about 1 1/2 hours after services. He drank LOTS of coffee and had a donut. He says he's gained two pounds but is always hungry because they are working so hard. He seems upbeat and still sure that this is what he wants to do. I also was able to visit with David Walsh who is also doing well and still in class 02-08. James said he just completed his 2nd 2nd week. (No engineering exam this time though.) I will try to email Angela a picture of him in his khakis so she can post it.
    Mom Burley
