Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beware of the Poodle

AJ is adorable, but he can be a little much if you’ve never met him. I had to put a work order in, because our stove top stopped working. Well…apparently AJ was a little much for the maintenance guy, because I got a phone call at work from our apartment complex. The lady was like, “We’re going to have to set up an appointment, because your puppy made the maintenance guy nervous.” Awww….that’s so sad!! Eddie left me a note for when I got home from work saying he would come back whenever I set up an apt. Too funny!


  1. That is too funny!! AJ is super sweet! He was probably excited to see the guy.

  2. I saw a show on HGTV where the dog was small like AJ but they died his(maybe her) hair bright pink! You could spot the dog a mile away.

  3. Poor AJ would be so sad if we turned him pink...:'(

  4. It would not be good for poor AJ to be mistaken for a hoo in Blacksburg.
