Thursday, September 28, 2006

The cutest little family...

We took AJ to the groomers today...and he can now see...but he looks SUPER funny! The poor thing...James keeps calling him a freak dog...and he's like...we really need to do something about that haircut. It's so bad that when we came back from the groomer, our neighbor was sitting outside, and he was like...what did you do to your dog? About five minutes later he knocked on our door with a hair cutting's that bad. But...we still love him! :-)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cricket Update

To date....we have had 21 gross crickets...with AJ helping in the capture of three. Cockroach count still stands at 7! :-D Cockroach traps are AMAZING!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Weather, Work, and a dog

So I was out walking the dog the other night, and I was cold, so I grabbed a sweatshirt. Realizing it was the first time I had been cold since we arrived in Texas I decided to check the weather... 77 degrees. We must be acclimating to the climate, which is sad because we are going to freeze over Christmas break. Graduate school is not what either of us could of have expected, and we were very well prepared. This school is not growing on us one bit. On a side note, we like our assistantships more. I finally finished cataloging all the history book orders and Angela is busy doing the final edit of a book to be published soon. So what we are getting paid for is not horrible, just the class work. I am having a very hard time choosing research topics for my papers, and other people already have their thesis topics lined out. Screech called last night, and he is driving to California from his job with the Naval Observatory in DC. In a few weeks he is flying to Germany… his job sounds like a lot of fun. We heard how grad school just delays the real world, but when are you ready for it? I feel very behind in my work and a slacker, which I haven't really felt since freshman year at Tech, except I am not bust meeting new people. But we met our new dog, AJ, who is quite the little man. Walking him is fun, he thinks that he should be leading and takes the leash into his mouth. But then he decides the leash is a toy and chews at it as he runs, so he is an awkward runner. He is certainly needed to lift this small household through this year and provide some comic relief from work. The pictures below really sum up AJ, but he needs to be groomed as his head hair is so long he is having trouble seeing I think. So far he is very trusting and loves everyone, even the sketchy neighbors.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Cute AJ pictures...the first day...

AJ finding his toybox! :-D He likes the squeaker toys the best! He actually doesn't like this little bed, but I put him in it, and he'll stay until I leave the room and then get up as soon as I leave. James' thinks its super funny...I think it's kind of cute. He's trying to do what I want him too! He loves to nap in the kitchen, and he sticks his legs out to make him as long as possible. And he makes you step over him if you come in the kitchen. Sometimes he'll lift his head, but he's usually zonked out.

Meet the newest Gouger!!

Meet AJ...our adorable little poodle whom James and I adopted from Lil Paws Maltese Rescue in Austin Texas. Actually, we haven't adopted him yet, but are in a one week trial period where we can see if we like him or not...and we do! He is super sweet, and he really loves's sooo cute! AJ is a one year old, and has a ton of energy. He loves to play, and we have a little toy box for him. He definitely knows it is his, and he only chews on things that are in the toy box. His name was Rudy, but since he didn't respond to it, we decided to change it to AJ. Why AJ? People keep asking us if it's Angela and James...but it's not. For all of you Hokies out there, AJ is different colors of gray, like hokie stone. And since James and I spent three years of our time at VT living in the dorm, AJ (Ambler Johnston), we thought it would be cute. Yes we've been called dorks...but let's be honest...we are. :-) We ventured to Austin on Saturday, despite the bad weather. The weather was sooooo bad that we had to stop on the side of the road for about a half hour. I seriously thought our car was going to blow away and was very thankful that it wasn't tornado season, or I'm fairly certain we wouldn't have made it! So…note to anyone thinking about going out in a Texas storm…DON’T! Trust us!  But, we made it!! And the people from Lil Paws were soooo sweet and really encouraging! They said that AJ would need alot of work, because he has alot of energy and he has never been trained before, but he has really been great so far! He knows he's on a trial period, so he's trying to be good! He just loves to be around us, and he feels right at home already! His favorite place to sleep is on hard stuff, and he loves to nap on top of my binders, which I think is really funny! We can't wait for you all to meet him! He's sooooo sweet!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Update on the A&M UVA Situation!

It's great to email people and get a response! Although I must admit it usually takes me about two weeks to respond to people. I wrote the athletic director and assistant athletic director at Texas A&M about calling Virginia Tech, Virginia, at the A&M game we went to. They responded!! :-) And...notice the....Beamer is a quality person and a heck of a coach. HECK YES! :-D

Response from Alan Cannon, Assistant Athletic Director of Texas A&M:

Thank you for your email. We were using SportsTicker's scoreboard last week and there were a
number of games that were not correct and actually had wrong opponents. This week we will use our own scoresheet and correctly identify schools such as Va. Tech. I understand they are already off to a great start and I was fortunate enough to meet Coach Beamer and he is a quality person as well as a heck of a coach. Thanks again.

I also received a response from Bill Byrne, the athletic director, but his email wasn't nearly as cool. But, he did respond! His response was as follows:

Thanks, we subscribe to an Internet service for our scores and we had numerous problems. We'll let them know. Bill

So...I'm officially an Aggie fan now...they've fixed the problem...which was a huge one...and I am thankful for that!

Happy Half Birthday!!

In celebration of Marly's half birthday (yeah 22 1/2!), we spent Wednesday night at Crickets bar and grill. You may remember if you have become a regular reader that this was the first place all of the history grads hung out on a Wednesday night after orientation those very many weeks ago in Waco! In celebration of an amazing girl, who reminds me alot of Mary, we gave her a mini light up tiara and wand, as well as brought fun beads. And Ann was awesome and brought a cake. Because nothing gets you through school like pretending to be little kids again! It was nice sitting out on the deck enjoying the warm Waco air. Happy half birthday Marly!! :-D

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tropical Storm Ernesto...

I know this happened on September 1st, but I wanted to show everyone pictures my mom took in Virginia Beach. These are taken from our front porch!! What would happen if a real hurricane hit Hampton Roads?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Balloon GLOW!!!

Saturday night, despite James and I both feeling a little under the weather, we ventured out to Baylor's stadium with the history graduate students, to experience the annual Balloon Glow. Now, if you are like most of us, you would have no idea what that means! It is the lighting with torches of hot air balloons to music in the stadium. Interesting you say...that's why we had to go. It was actually quite entertaining, and I found myself in awe of the balloons lighting was sort of relaxing. Perhaps the best part was when they played Toby Keith's boot song. When they began playing it, we were all excited and wondering if a Baptist school would play a song that said ass....and they did...and it was AWESOME! Especially the sign language interpreter interpreting that part of the song. She was amazing…and it was classic! I don't think we would have ever experienced something similar to it anywhere else in the country. The event was mainly for the local community, as there were not many students who came, but a ton of families with little kids. I’m glad the university is doing something for the community, as there is no real connection between the city of Waco and Baylor. Such a connection would surely make this place better!! It was fun to see the little kids get excited about the balloons! They were dancing and screaming, and having a blast. I am very glad that we went. If you ever get a chance to watch people blow a flame into a hot air should definitely go. I've always wanted to go on a balloon ride, and this only reinforced my desire!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

These children are our future?!?!

After grading two freshman classes quizzes, I must remark that these are either the most unmotivated or plain dumb group of students I have come across since high school. A basic map-quiz filling in the blank of major cities and rivers in Medieval Europe and Ancient Egypt where the maps and answers were available to study a week ahead of time elicited only one perfect score and averages in the lower 50’s. A majority of students left a third of the spaces blank, where others had a good time making up answers. One student identified Iran and Iraq inside Italy. Another, for three successive responses, wrote “Italy”, “more of Italy”, and “even more Italy.” Too bad “Italy” was not even one of the choices… I feel sorry for the class of 2010 that does not even know the difference between Greece and India, or Scotland and Ireland, or Poland and the Soviet Union (for a quiz covering the year 1600). Is this a Baylor phenomenon or nation-wide epidemic?? They had the material ahead of time, spend 20 minutes before class memorizing the answer bank and ace the quiz... We need to stop sending everyone to college, some people obviously don't appreciate the opportunity or are too plain dumb for the challenge.

Dallas Hokies

We went up to Dallas yesterday to watch the Duke game with the local Hokie Alumni chapter, and had a good time. The drive was pleasant and scenic, plus getting out of Waco for awhile felt great! The Dallas Hokies have been meeting at the Fox and Hound Pub to watch the games in north Dallas, so we got to drive through a large portion of the city. Driving by Southern Methodist University on the way back made us realize that the George W. Bush library will more than likely be housed there. (Baylor and SMU have been bidding for the current President’s library, but SMU is in a nice part of Dallas, and Laura Bush is an alumnus… so Baylor should get over its delusions of grandeur.) Watching the game at a bar was exciting, given the large TVs and other games shown. We were tracking Cincinnati’s upset bid over Ohio State with particular interest. The Hokies played well, and we saw the slow maturing of our offense. While I am a die-hard Hokie, I don’t think we are a top-10 team just yet… but we are 3-0 and UVA is rather pathetic this year. The Dallas Hokies tended to be older, and graduated from Tech well before Beamer started coaching at Murray State, thus they were not the most energetic crowd. However, one guy had just moved to Texas after going to every home game for the past 15 years. He grew up in Texas then went to Tech for college and didn’t want to leave Blacksburg. His girlfriend finally made him move, but he was missing Lane so much he had about 10 beers in the first half. The other side of the bar was the Ohio State Alumni club, who were worried about an upset most of the game. We may check out the Austin Hokie Club for next week’s game.

Friday, September 15, 2006

A heartbroken Angela...:'(

For those of you who don't know, James and I have been looking for a special little one to add to our Fuzzy Friends Rescue, and a few other places. Yesterday we found the perfect little guy....his name is Tramp. Tramp is a one year little boy, Chihuahua mix, who was absolutely adorable, and quite frankly, he loved us. So, we went back today to play with him in the get acquainted room after an evening of talking about whether he was the one for us. We went back to fill out the paperwork and adopt him...but when we got there, there was this woman standing in front of his cage, on her cell phone. So, we looked at some other dogs while she looked at Tramp, and he wasn't even excited. He was just sitting there...when we were with him, he was licking us and jumping up and down...clearly in love. And she said to the other person on the phone that there was only one cute one there....Tramp, but not even excited or anything. So, she finally started walking away, so we went to go and play with him, and she stopped at the cage next to his, and just looked at us the entire time. (Which, is kind of awkward) But, then she went and filled out adoption paperwork while we were playing with him, and when we took him into the get acquainted room, they told us someone had already put an application in for him. And he was soooo cute and playful and excited, and he would have been perfect in our apartment! By the time we were done playing with him, we went back to his cage with the lady who worked there and someone had already put a hold sign on the cage. We were too late...:'( feels wrong coming into the apartment without Tramp there. And, I don't even think that lady really liked him...and he totally liked us way more! :'( So...the search continues...hopefully we'll find something with poodle in it...

Monday, September 11, 2006

Lesson of the day

When standing at the shuttle stop in Arlington farms, one should be conscious of where one steps. If on the cell phone, and if wearing flip-flops, one should constantly make sure they are not standing on top of a fire ant hill. This will permit the foot not being entirely bitten and the running back to the apartment to grab itch cream, to make it through the day.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A fun grad student weekend of work!

This weekend consisted of one good thing....a Virginia Tech game being nationally broadcast into our living in WACO!!! :-D Sooooooooo exciting! James and I put on our Hokie best and spent the morning getting into our gameday CD. Nothing else would make me get up early on a Saturday!! It was exciting watching the team, although the first couple minutes...or rather quarter...I could feel my heart falling as I envisioned the entire season falling to pieces. But...I have hope and faith and know that our team will endure! :-) We even bought a bottle of Wild Turkey...because what else do you drink during a Hokie football game??? (Insert gobble noises that James and I made throughout the entire the southernmost point of Waco)

The rest of our weekend was spent being grad students...blah. I spent the weekend reading Hobbs, Locke, and the French Declaration of Rights, as well as a book by Robert Smith on liberalism in political thought...which for the life of me...I just can't seem to get into. I am, however, enjoying the book by Thomas Hibbs that I am currently editing for my assistantship. We went and heard him speak on Thursday night, and it was very enjoyable, as he spoke of the spiritual quest in horror films, like in the 6th Sense and Signs. I love my assistantship!

James spent the weekend reading two books on the History of the Study of History...which sounds super boring to me...and it seems super boring from how he is reacting to it. He also spent the weekend working on his assistantship, organizing book orders for the entire history department. So...that sums up our exciting weekend! My dad left for Iraq on Saturday morning, so please pray for his safety, and for my entire family while he is away!! :-) THANKS!!

Thursday, September 7, 2006

College Angela see's it

Can I just say how happy I was to be on a huge college campus again? I mean...there is something really to be said about public schools and the nice comfortable feeling you get when you step onto them. Maybe it was just good to be away from Baylor and Waco (which it was!), and be on a campus that reminded us of home. Being surrounded by maroon was a wonderful thing, with people who you felt a connection with. It was truly amazing...let me tell you! And there was a Jimmy Johns!! And a Kroger!! And coffee shops!! And things you would expect to see in a college town. To sum the entire experience was great!

Having said what an awesome experience it was, I must say that Aggie fans are very their own special way. Who has ever heard of a major college football team without cheerleaders? And who has a mascot that you never see? I mean...I looked for that dog almost the entire game....and I was wearing my glasses...and I never saw him/her. And they bury all of the past dogs in the same place...and they have people from the corp guard the burial ground while guarantying they can see the game. Is that weird? But...they have a canon...and it's pretty impressive. Although they shot it off prematurely when the ball was only on the 2 yard line! That made me laugh!! :-D

The top ten reasons to be an Aggie tshirt: 1. People who wear burnt orange are sick...(which was really funny...because they have these crazy screens around their stadium…you can see them in the pictures...and every time their symbol came was burnt orange...on maroon...who designed that??) 5. Because if I lived in Waco for 4 years I'd kill myself....HAHAHAHA....that is sooooo funny...and so true!!!!!! At least I laughed...until I realized we were about to drive back to Waco, and the joke was really on me.
The game was very enjoyable though, good fans, good band, god atmosphere. Their band is actually very good...much better than the Highty Tighty’s. They are a corp band, 303 strong, and not only march well, but they sound great! The corp is pretty impressive, although the yell leaders from the corp really freaked me out. Apparently it's a huge honor, but I really feel like they need cheerleaders!!

The 12th Man TV, or something like that....the new jumbotron. For those of you who have been to a game at UVA, you will appreciate this. Jumbotron...tell me what to do...I don't know! When the jumbotron (which is huge and VERY impressive) tells you to turn this way...literally every head in the stadium turns and looks at it! It's like this crazy magnet that seriously pulls all 80,000 heads towards it at the same time...and then an eerie silence falls over the stadium. Dead silence with 80,000 people is freaky!!!

And...we are NOT the only team who eats our mascot at football games!! James and I definitely had Aggie Dogs for dinner, and although they were not turkey legs, they were still very good! One thing that did make me mad, and I think I might write their athletic department about this one, is the way they portrayed Virginia Tech. Whenever you go to someone else's stadium to watch their team play, you always look to the little flashing other game scores to make yourself feel better about your own school. So we are waiting and watching...and then something happens. #17 Virginia....whaaaaaa?????? Excuse me...but can you add a tech to that? I was pretty upset...and you would think that a school who was an A&M...not a Texas would understand what a grave mistake that was. James thinks they are still just upset about us beating them two years in a row in 2002 and 2003. I'll let you know if I get a response from their Athletic department....

As we were walking to the old oak where everyone gets proposed to, this old man says to us....oh....going to the oak tree to propose? I mean...really now....he could have just ruined our engagement. I could have had no idea...the thought could have never crossed my mind...and then I could have started I getting a ring??? Good thing we were already married...but...funny nonetheless. I think we'll go back...I have three more game faces...and I am prepared to use them! :-)

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

You KNOW you're a football fan when...

After a day of awesome football at College Station, we decided to support the Baylor team. After all, we are grad students here and they were playing TCU, a ranked team. Interesting side note…TCU and Baylor BOTH used to be in Waco, but the little town of Waco must have been two small for two religious schools with highly different ideas. In fact, Baylor moved into TCU’s old buildings…just a little bit of random history James found online. We went all out for this game…I mean…we even bought Baylor ‘gold’ (but really a gross yellow color) shirts to wear, because they (the mystical powers that run Baylor) asked us too.

We actually had a very good time, and I was very impressed with the atmosphere. We went with our only friends (Hurray history department!) and we all wore yellow. The stadium is very cute, and is actually really nice. It is fairly new, but it is a few miles from campus in not the nicest part of town. I am a believer in having your stadium on campus, but when you don't have room for it, what can you do? We weren't going to go to the game, because Baylor decided that graduate students do not pay enough in student fees to qualify for free tickets, but someone changed their minds and we were able to get free tickets!! Kudos for whoever pulled that one off! :-)

Perhaps the coolest thing I've seen at Baylor thus far is the Freshman Line tradition. To make the freshmen feel more like they are a part of the university community, each are given a free "golden" jersey with their name on it and their graduating class year. Then, on the first game, they sit in a special section together and get to make the entrance tunnel for the team...hence...the Baylor line. I think that is awesome, and a great way to get your students excited about football! :-) More beef I have with Baylor though...they play Enter Sandman when their team comes out too! does nothing. James and I immediately started jumping up and down and screaming, because it’s a natural reaction. But, as we realized we were the only ones in the stadium doing so, it became awkward and we stopped. Instead, we joined the stadium in the Baylor Sic' Em Bears which you put your right arm up in the shape of a claw, and you shake it and yell. Which, is kind of cool, but that's all that they do the entire game, so it got old.

Aggie Land

Last week we were feeling lonely for the friendly confines of Lane Stadium and the color maroon, so we bought cheap tickets to the Texas A&M opening game. So Saturday we watched the first half of the Hokie opener on the computer (not half as good as TV, no comparison to being there) and hopped in our car driving into East Texas. East Texas might as well be its own state, as it differs GREATLY from the Waco area... but most anyplace is better than Waco... But the drive down route 6 was pleasant through great countryside. College Station is actually an hour and a half away, further than earlier reports had indicated (people must drive FAST here... New Jersey drivers are slow in comparison). We parked on the edge of campus and took off in search of the bookstore and Will Call. What we entered was very familiar, meaning that Texas A&M is Virginia Tech on a Texas scale, so VERY BIG. Seeing hordes of maroon clad folks was comforting, as well as walking through a large, imposing campus. The campus felt "right", unlike Baylor's tiny excuse for grand campus planning. Except for the immensity of the place and omission of mountains, we really could have been on Blacksburg on Game Day. The bookstore was conveniently placed adjacent to Kyle Field, which is one IMPRESSIVE structure. We bought Aggie shirts to fit in, and waited to enter the stadium as the corps of cadets marched by. Finding ourselves in the north endzone, we had a view of the field similar to the Marching Virginians in Lane, except the Video Board was gigantic behind us (it was new). The north endzone reminded us of Lane Stadium's new South Endzone, just bigger. The East and West stands mirrored each other with several large decks. We decided that if the fans got into it, this place could really rock (close to 80,000 people showed up for the game against I-AA Citadel). At this point we were really excited and felt normal, until the fans started acting strange. A&M has no cheerleaders, just five male "yell-leaders" who have the power through weird hand movements to incite mass student choreographed responses. The responses were amazing, seeing 40,000 people move in unison, but seemed odd to us. Further, when some Aggie song is played, EVERYONE in the stadium locks arms and sways. We did it to fit in, but felt too much like UVA students. Overall we felt that the stadium was impressive, but not as intimidating as Lane Stadium. Texas Aggie fans were simply not drunk for one thing, the smell of bourbon was not in the air, which of course resulted from poor tailgating. We encountered little tailgating near the stadium, which results in poor cheering. Except that the A&M fans were not drunk so they could better study the game and respond to yell-leaders orders... Thus, the fans do not get loud unless told to. Virginia Tech fans like to get into opponents heads, A&M fans simply hold to traditional movements. However, overall the atmosphere was great and felt like REAL football, especially in connection to Baylor... The Texas A&M football team seemed poorly coached as they had many turnovers and bad execution all game keeping the score surprisingly close. They should not have fired R.C. Slocum. We left after the third quarter when everyone started swaying again, plus we had a late night drive through dark roads to Waco. On the way to the car we were passing the "century oak" where Aggie couples traditionally went to propose. An older man walked by and stated bluntly if we were going to the oak to become engaged... which brings up interesting questions such as, why would anyone ruin a nervous man's proposal? We are already married, thank you. On the way out of town we discovered a Jimmy-Johns and a Kroger... College Station = Blacksburg. So far, Waco = Lynchburg.