This weekend consisted of one good thing....a Virginia Tech game being nationally broadcast into our living in WACO!!! :-D Sooooooooo exciting! James and I put on our Hokie best and spent the morning getting into our gameday CD. Nothing else would make me get up early on a Saturday!! It was exciting watching the team, although the first couple minutes...or rather quarter...I could feel my heart falling as I envisioned the entire season falling to pieces. But...I have hope and faith and know that our team will endure! :-) We even bought a bottle of Wild Turkey...because what else do you drink during a Hokie football game??? (Insert gobble noises that James and I made throughout the entire the southernmost point of Waco)
The rest of our weekend was spent being grad students...blah. I spent the weekend reading Hobbs, Locke, and the French Declaration of Rights, as well as a book by Robert Smith on liberalism in political thought...which for the life of me...I just can't seem to get into. I am, however, enjoying the book by Thomas Hibbs that I am currently editing for my assistantship. We went and heard him speak on Thursday night, and it was very enjoyable, as he spoke of the spiritual quest in horror films, like in the 6th Sense and Signs. I love my assistantship!
James spent the weekend reading two books on the History of the Study of History...which sounds super boring to me...and it seems super boring from how he is reacting to it. He also spent the weekend working on his assistantship, organizing book orders for the entire history department. So...that sums up our exciting weekend! My dad left for Iraq on Saturday morning, so please pray for his safety, and for my entire family while he is away!! :-) THANKS!!
Funny how James and Colin have the same pouty face