Monday, September 25, 2006

Meet the newest Gouger!!

Meet AJ...our adorable little poodle whom James and I adopted from Lil Paws Maltese Rescue in Austin Texas. Actually, we haven't adopted him yet, but are in a one week trial period where we can see if we like him or not...and we do! He is super sweet, and he really loves's sooo cute! AJ is a one year old, and has a ton of energy. He loves to play, and we have a little toy box for him. He definitely knows it is his, and he only chews on things that are in the toy box. His name was Rudy, but since he didn't respond to it, we decided to change it to AJ. Why AJ? People keep asking us if it's Angela and James...but it's not. For all of you Hokies out there, AJ is different colors of gray, like hokie stone. And since James and I spent three years of our time at VT living in the dorm, AJ (Ambler Johnston), we thought it would be cute. Yes we've been called dorks...but let's be honest...we are. :-) We ventured to Austin on Saturday, despite the bad weather. The weather was sooooo bad that we had to stop on the side of the road for about a half hour. I seriously thought our car was going to blow away and was very thankful that it wasn't tornado season, or I'm fairly certain we wouldn't have made it! So…note to anyone thinking about going out in a Texas storm…DON’T! Trust us!  But, we made it!! And the people from Lil Paws were soooo sweet and really encouraging! They said that AJ would need alot of work, because he has alot of energy and he has never been trained before, but he has really been great so far! He knows he's on a trial period, so he's trying to be good! He just loves to be around us, and he feels right at home already! His favorite place to sleep is on hard stuff, and he loves to nap on top of my binders, which I think is really funny! We can't wait for you all to meet him! He's sooooo sweet!!


  1. The newest Gouger is adorable!
    How is he with small children?

  2. We'll find out at Christmas!! ;-)
