Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Weather, Work, and a dog

So I was out walking the dog the other night, and I was cold, so I grabbed a sweatshirt. Realizing it was the first time I had been cold since we arrived in Texas I decided to check the weather... 77 degrees. We must be acclimating to the climate, which is sad because we are going to freeze over Christmas break. Graduate school is not what either of us could of have expected, and we were very well prepared. This school is not growing on us one bit. On a side note, we like our assistantships more. I finally finished cataloging all the history book orders and Angela is busy doing the final edit of a book to be published soon. So what we are getting paid for is not horrible, just the class work. I am having a very hard time choosing research topics for my papers, and other people already have their thesis topics lined out. Screech called last night, and he is driving to California from his job with the Naval Observatory in DC. In a few weeks he is flying to Germany… his job sounds like a lot of fun. We heard how grad school just delays the real world, but when are you ready for it? I feel very behind in my work and a slacker, which I haven't really felt since freshman year at Tech, except I am not bust meeting new people. But we met our new dog, AJ, who is quite the little man. Walking him is fun, he thinks that he should be leading and takes the leash into his mouth. But then he decides the leash is a toy and chews at it as he runs, so he is an awkward runner. He is certainly needed to lift this small household through this year and provide some comic relief from work. The pictures below really sum up AJ, but he needs to be groomed as his head hair is so long he is having trouble seeing I think. So far he is very trusting and loves everyone, even the sketchy neighbors.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you said the dog needs a haircut because I agree. I think you should let his hair grow and give him a hair cut like a lion! He could be you very own Chia Pet!
