Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Balloon GLOW!!!

Saturday night, despite James and I both feeling a little under the weather, we ventured out to Baylor's stadium with the history graduate students, to experience the annual Balloon Glow. Now, if you are like most of us, you would have no idea what that means! It is the lighting with torches of hot air balloons to music in the stadium. Interesting you say...that's why we had to go. It was actually quite entertaining, and I found myself in awe of the balloons lighting up...it was sort of relaxing. Perhaps the best part was when they played Toby Keith's boot song. When they began playing it, we were all excited and wondering if a Baptist school would play a song that said ass....and they did...and it was AWESOME! Especially the sign language interpreter interpreting that part of the song. She was amazing…and it was classic! I don't think we would have ever experienced something similar to it anywhere else in the country. The event was mainly for the local community, as there were not many students who came, but a ton of families with little kids. I’m glad the university is doing something for the community, as there is no real connection between the city of Waco and Baylor. Such a connection would surely make this place better!! It was fun to see the little kids get excited about the balloons! They were dancing and screaming, and having a blast. I am very glad that we went. If you ever get a chance to watch people blow a flame into a hot air balloon...you should definitely go. I've always wanted to go on a balloon ride, and this only reinforced my desire!

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