Friday, September 15, 2006

A heartbroken Angela...:'(

For those of you who don't know, James and I have been looking for a special little one to add to our Fuzzy Friends Rescue, and a few other places. Yesterday we found the perfect little guy....his name is Tramp. Tramp is a one year little boy, Chihuahua mix, who was absolutely adorable, and quite frankly, he loved us. So, we went back today to play with him in the get acquainted room after an evening of talking about whether he was the one for us. We went back to fill out the paperwork and adopt him...but when we got there, there was this woman standing in front of his cage, on her cell phone. So, we looked at some other dogs while she looked at Tramp, and he wasn't even excited. He was just sitting there...when we were with him, he was licking us and jumping up and down...clearly in love. And she said to the other person on the phone that there was only one cute one there....Tramp, but not even excited or anything. So, she finally started walking away, so we went to go and play with him, and she stopped at the cage next to his, and just looked at us the entire time. (Which, is kind of awkward) But, then she went and filled out adoption paperwork while we were playing with him, and when we took him into the get acquainted room, they told us someone had already put an application in for him. And he was soooo cute and playful and excited, and he would have been perfect in our apartment! By the time we were done playing with him, we went back to his cage with the lady who worked there and someone had already put a hold sign on the cage. We were too late...:'( feels wrong coming into the apartment without Tramp there. And, I don't even think that lady really liked him...and he totally liked us way more! :'( So...the search continues...hopefully we'll find something with poodle in it...

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