I never thought I could be so thankful for four hours until this past Sunday, when I was able to spend almost an entire four hours with James!! I went to church with him for an hour, and then we got to spend an awesome three hours in the fellowship hall, drinking coffee and eating cookies.

It was great! I got to meet some of his new friends, and listen to all of their crazy stories. Good news… James passed inspection!! :-) That means he is moving on to the next stage, which is great, and he should still be graduating on Dec. 21st. James was exhausted, because he had stayed up with a friend the last two nights trying to help him pass inspection.

He still didn't pass, but he didn't seem to be doing two poorly. James two friends fell asleep on each others shoulders in church...it was sooo sad. They are soooo exhausted, the poor guys! I can’t wait to see James again soon! I got to see David Walsh, too, which was awesome, and I am actually going to be able to go to his graduation too!

They are both doing great, and have high spirits! And James is too cute in his uniform. It’s weird seeing him in uniform, but he can’t wait until he gets real khakis, as these aren’t the real ones.

These ones are essentially made to get PT’d in, and he won’t get his real ones until the 8th or 9th week, I think. James really enjoys getting mail from everyone, and wants everyone to keep on writing! :-) I can’t wait to see him again!!!!! :-)
Angela, The pictures aew wonderful. You all look so happy! Glad to hear James is doing well. We sure do miss you both down here. Hope he gets Corpus Christi:):):)...love...grandma