Not only did we do relief work in New Orleans, but we also had a ton of fun! We spent three nights down in the French Quarter, and we enjoyed playing with masks and watching the drunk people on Bourbon Street.

The French Quarter did not flood, and it was one of the first areas of New Orleans to reopen after the hurricane. The French Quarter is such an interesting area, with amazing Cajun restaurants, beautiful architecture, awesome music filling the air, and art galleries scattered about, and then you have the sketch part of the French Quarter that is strip clubs, bars,

and all the sketchiness that is Bourbon Street. Because we were only there during the evenings, all of the galleries were closed, so we went to restaurants and spent time in all of the tourist gift shops, which are a ton of fun. We enjoyed Beignets at Café du monde,

complete with our sketch waiter who made inappropriate comments to all of the girls in our group and messed up our order. But, the Beignets were AMAZING, and we left covered in powered sugar, making it an overall great experience. There is something about the gift shops down there that is so fun, and we spent a ton of time just taking pictures with masks and crazy t-shirts.

There are a ton of “funny” hurricane shirts that are funny, but completely inappropriate at the same time, like, “I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was gone” and there are a ton with special language for FEMA. I guess tourists buy these shirts?! I didn’t see anyone buying them, but I feel like they wouldn’t sell them if people didn’t buy them.

One evening, we had awesome catfish poboys at this obnoxious restaurant on Bourbon street called the Cajun Cabin. We were serenaded by a swamp band, and enjoyed watching our friends play the washboard with a spoon. New Orleans is definitely a unique city with an interesting culture, and I always enjoy visiting!