Monday, November 5, 2007

New Orleans Help

Hello family and friends!

As you all know, I will be traveling to New Orleans over Thanksgiving break to honor the memory of a good friend of ours who was killed last April. Stack was one of the most amazing people I have ever met, and spending a week doing work in his name is something I would never pass up! This will be my third trip to New Orleans for Katrina relief, and it will definitely be the most difficult and emotional trip for me, as it is a memorial trip, and I will be going without James. The good news is that there will be two counselors on the trip whose services I know I will be graciously accepting. I am still lacking funding for the trip, and was trying to avoid asking for help, but I could really use some assistance in funding, as I only have another $200 dollars to raise. If I am unable to raise the full amount, James and I will cover the rest of it, but we are stretched a little thin right now. If you would like to donate to the trip, you can do so by visiting the following website:
1) "I would like this donation to be used for,” please choose: Y student Programs
2) designation - Angela Gouger (NEW ORLEANS)
Any amount you can give will be very helpful, and I will appreciate every dollar donated. It’s tax-deductible! Thank you so much for your love and support, and if you cannot give money, I appreciate your prays and thoughts as we travel to New Orleans this Thanksgiving.

Always, Angela


  1. Angela, that address doesn't work for us. Expect in snailmail :):):)
    we love you.........grandma

  2. Thanks!! It should be working now! :-)

    Love, Angela

  3. Paypal working OK
    See you Saturday. I was at the last Tech victory over FSU in 1975 and I think we will see another one!
