Sometimes, a girl’s weekend is exactly what you need! I was able to spend an awesome weekend with three of my co-workers touring wineries in the Yadkin Valley in North Carolina for a weekend. We had a blast, despite all getting sick as soon as we got back! Boo on laryngitis and bronchitis!

Tabatha, Courtney, Allie, and I piled into a car with Marge, the GPS, and we headed to the NC for a weekend of wine and adventures. We were able to hit four wineries in one day, and then spent a relaxing evening at the hotel playing Scatagories, watching tv, and sampling home-made Stanburn wines.

We began our wine tour at the Stanley’s own vineyard, who sells to the Chateau Morisette in Floyd, Virginia, and we took a home made bottle of Chardonnay from their wine cellar. It turned out to be the best Chardonnay we had all day! We started the day off at Shelton Vineyards, a large, upscale winery with a gorgeous facility.

We then headed to a small family owned winery, RagApple Lassie, that featured a southern belle cow named RagApple Lassie. It was here I learned that all good southern women should wear pearls.

We then went to a winery that was recently featured on Leno, called Brushy Mountain. Brushy Mountain was located in an historic downtown mainstreet, and we were parked outside of it looking at a map and the GPS for five minutes before we realized we were there!

And…with only a few minutes to spare, we made it to Grassy Creek winery, a classy but small winery that bottles it’s wines in milk bottles as a tribute to their dairy heritage. Wine is so very interesting, and I learned a lot, while having a ton of fun! I encourage everyone to check out at least one winery if you ever get the chance!
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