Saturday, November 17, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Greetings all!! At 5:15 this morning, I will be embarking on the journey to New Orleans with 47 other Virginia Tech students, staff, and alumni. I am very excited, although I could have used a little bit more sleep! I just finished writing a 60 page case study report for class, and I am happy to say that I have finished it! :-) My first semester of grad school is almost done...yay! We will be driving the 15 hours to New Orleans, and as soon as we get there and get all settled in, we will be decorating our umbrellas for the Jazz Funeral. The Jazz Funeral and the house dedication ceremony will be held on Monday, and then we will get to work! I <3 you Stack! We will be returning late Friday night, in light of the UVA Tech game on Saturday. Please keep our group in your prayers and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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