Monday, November 26, 2007

More than just paint and hardwood floors

It’s amazing what an impact one week can have on your life. Every time I visit New Orleans for relief work, I am constantly reminded how much I have to be thankful for, and how much I take for granted on a daily basis. I look at my daily life and I think about all of the complaining I do about non important things, when I should be thankful that I have shelter, food, friends and family who love me, and a God who loves me. Although we experienced a great deal of frustrations with our host organization (like…they didn’t have projects prepared for us), the week still ended up being great. My group worked on the home of Mrs. Jackson, an 85 year old woman who has been living in a FEMA trailer for the past two years. She didn’t have insurance or savings, nor a family who could or was willing to help her rebuild. Her home is seriously in the swamp, and I saw the biggest spider I’ve ever seen in my entire life!!!!!!! I was proud of myself, though, and I didn’t freak out too much. Mrs. Jackson’s house still needs a ton of work, and I’m not sure the foundation is solid, but we did the best we could. We primed and painted the house, and then we put hardwood floors in! The floors posed a great deal of difficulty, as the floors were warped, and we didn’t have a working power saw to cut the wood most of the time. It was a great deal of fun though, and I am proud of our group! The house looked sooooo much better after we left, and I can’t imagine how happy Mrs. Jackson will be when she walks into a newly painted house with gorgeous floors! We have so much to be thankful for!

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