Monday, November 12, 2007

New Orleans Bound!

Thanks for all of the funding! It came in very quickly, and I have raised all of my support! Thanks so much!! :-) This past Sunday, I learned how to put up dry wall, do ceramic floors, and wood panel floors. It was surprisingly easy, and I am really excited about putting some of my new skills into action! It is going to be a really hard week for me and James, as he found out he will have liberty, but I will be in Louisiana. The good news is I will be visiting him the weekend after I return from NOLA! I can’t wait to see him!! This trip is very special and near to my heart though, and we both know that we are making the right decision. The city of New Orleans is throwing a jazz funeral for Stack and Leslie, which is very special, and it will be a great week of remembering our losses and their losses, and the hope, love, and encouragement that came from those losses. On past trips, we have been gutting and tearing down, but this trip will be a trip of rebuilding. I am excited and nervous, and ask that you pray for us during the upcoming weeks. Check out this Article in BigLick and the Collegiate Times.

1 comment:

  1. Now you have these skills. We need a new kitchen floor and I am sure once Brent and Abigail move into a new house they will need help as well;)
